
Jul 23, 2011

The NCLR Conference - what’s the connection to social media initiatives?

Here's a guest blog post from my former boss and mentor for 6+ yrs, Cristy, who's blogging from this weekend's NCLR Conference in DC. More blog posts to come...Enjoy! - Anllelic

By: Cristy Clavijo-Kish
Contributor – \ Twitter: @latinomarketing

Cristy Clavijo-Kish
I have been in the Multicultural marketing and communications field for over

15 years- and this will be my first time attending the National Council of La Raza

Family Expo and Convention- being held in DC this weekend. Admittedly, I am

long overdue for this participation. Earlier this year the organization launched an

initiative working to ensure that Latinos nationally do not get pushed out of the

middle class due primarily to losing their homes via ongoing foreclosure and a

lack of affordable housing. The debate surely will be a lively one during the session

Economy Town Hall: “Giving Up the Middle Class – Not so Fast!” Additionally- the

session for Latinas in the Media on Sunday ought to prove worthwhile to listen in on

and consider its impact.

You can watch most of the major sessions via live streaming and understand the issues more clearly:

See schedule here:

So how and where will social media play a role in all this? Just watching the Twitter

streams via @NCLR and Facebook posts will prove informative, but I’m interested to

see if any action-minded process or new engagement mechanisms arise from these

three days.

I’ll have more on this front soon… - Cristy

Cristy Clavijo-Kish is a contributor for Hispanicize- an online platform connecting social media marketers and communicators with brands and bloggers. She has spent more than 15 years in the PR, marketing and media industry with a special emphasis on helping brands connect with Hispanic and multicultural audiences.She is a founding partner of Hispanic PR Wire, LatinClips and Hispanic Digital Network-media properties that were acquired by PR Newswire in 2008. You can follow Cristy on
Twitter via @latinomarketing.

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