
Jul 16, 2011

Twitter: Digital Gossiping?

Below I want to share with you an editorial written by my good friend, Gino Ginocchio, who's senior copywriter @ multicultural advertising agency, Global Hue, and who has started writing technology articles for "the rest of us."  From this blog post, I've discovered that I'm officially a "digital gossiper" - as I love my Twitter!   Are you? Enjoy, Anllelic
Natacha saw the neighbor cheating on her husband. She felt the usual urge to spread the news. A known gossiper, she wanted to start the buzz quickly, but didn’t want to go door-by-door, she was tired from work; nor did she want to call or text, she wanted to save her cell phone minutes. Since her friends were computer users, she decided to go through Twitter.

Twitter is a fast tool to blast important news, from gossip, like the fiction story of Natacha, to sports, like updates on soccer games; to protests, like plans to overthrow presidents. In 2009, President Colom of Guatemala almost resigned thanks to the population accusing him of murder. And months ago the president of Egypt resigned thanks to massive rallies against him. Both events were inflamed through Twitter.

You can create your original twit like, “Today, I prepared delicious Enchiladas”. Or retwit someone else’s twit, like Natacha’s “the neighbor is kissing a boy half her age.” Forget about rules of society; in Twitter, quoting isn’t an embarrassment rather a pride. The digital version of “Natacha told me” looks modern: RT @Natacha.

Ferociously nosy, Natacha has thirsty followers who find out instantly her latest scoop. In Twitter, followers go after the person or company attracted to them.

To boast, debate, or incite, Twitter is an easy channel to communicate. It’s electronic gossiping, but who doesn’t like some gossip.

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