
Apr 23, 2010

10 Best Twitter Uses for Local Small Businesses, the third most popular social network in the world - now also available in Spanish - can be a useful marketing tool for local businesses. With the capability of performing an advanced search in Twitter’s interactive search engine,, "tweets" are now searchable by keywords, location and language. Below I present 10 ways you can use this free microblogging tool to, for example, attract 200-300 locals at a time (“followers”).

1. Customer Service – With tools like, you can monitor who’s mentioning your product/business/service and respond by direct message or public reply.

2. Multimedia – Send video links from and pictures taken from your mobile phone via, which followers can then re-tweet to their friends.

3. Showcase Expertise – By actively participating in discussions with colleagues and prospects, you can enhance your credibility and knowledge.

4. TweetUps - Invite locals for a gathering at your store or office for a special event, sampling, tasting or informational session.

5. Talent / Supplier Recruitment – With all Twitter profiles including links and bio, you can “network” with little effort, which allows you to start a personal dialogue to uncover potential collaboration.

6. Sales and Discounts – Just as you may include special coupons in your local newspaper or send mass e-mail promos, you can send Twitter-only actionable promo codes where they can redeem in person or in your website.

7. TweetChats – Anyone can “own” a tweetchat on a particular topic in a specific time and day – thus further enhancing your branding, followers and expertise. Go to and browse already-organized tweetchats.

8. Local Interest Topics – With Twitter’s new interactive “trending topics” tool you can stay up to date as what’s most being “tweeted” in your city.

9. Large Scale Focus Group – By “following” the locals you’ve found in your advance search AND by “following” your “followers,” you can get important insights as to preferences and demographics.

10. Attract Traffic to Your Website – Twitter allows for mass sharing of links, which allows you to drive people to your website, blog or a news story your followers may find of interest.

Anllelic Lozada is founder of SmallBIZLatino, an agency focused on bilingual marketing & web training for small businesses and professionals. Follow her on

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