
Sep 18, 2011

A professional dream turned into reality: Eco-Fashion in the Park in NYC

Gina Constanza
Stylist & Founder, House of Glam
I had the priviledge of meeting Gina Constanza - dominican decent, fashion stylist, personal shopper, founder of House of Glam, mother of two - on December 2010, as she was also contributing with Integral USA Magazine. We immediately felt a connection - her entrepreneurial spirit + good heart act as a profound magnet.

Later I learned that she has successfully being producing fashion events in NYC, as well as around the USA, in Santo Domingo and Hawaii. I was impressed! I also learned that one of her passions is eco-friendly fashion, its impact on the environment and her true desire to educate people about the topic.

One of Gina's dreams was to use to bring her passion to the masses and personally contribute to the education of the fashion industry and how we can all make our own contribution to the environment. I'm happy to share that her dream has become a reality with Eco-Fashion in the Park event, which will take place in Norther Manhattan on Sunday, Sept. 25th.

Eco-Fashion in the Park flyer
 The event will showcase a runway show with eleven up-and-coming fashion designers who work with materials that are good for the environment. Shifting fashion to be more sustainable, and Eco friendly in their work is just the beginning of an unforgettable prelude to Gina's commitment with this cause. Their practice is in the beginning stage and this free event will set the standars for laulnches and presentations for environmental responsible fashion desginers.

Gina's desire is that this event will inspire and ignite awareness around the issues on eco-friendly fashion and how to empower the style and its sustainability as a lifestyle. All who are involved in this event (attendees, models, designers, staff and sponsors) will contribute to reduce their carbon foot print and also encourage industries into the environmental friendly age.

I wish Gina the best in this event and in all her future professional endeavous. I'm positive that this event will open many other doors that will allow her passion to touch more lives...this is just the beginning for this empowering Latina!

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