
May 13, 2010

Lessons Learned from the First Hispanic PR & Social Marketing Conference May 10-13 in Dallas, TX

Anllelic Lozada - (@smallbizlatino) {center} with @doslives @ivette_mls at the Hispanic PR Conference "Tweetup", sponsored by The Ricardo Sanchez Agency. 
Join conversation with hashtags:  #HPR_Tweetup and #HprConf

By: Manny Ruiz, conference organizer & Co-Publisher,

At one point during last week’s Hispanic PR & Social Media Conference in Dallas, someone or something mysteriously triggered a fire alarm, forcing a temporary evacuation. Maybe the conference topics and speakers were too hot but if you were there or monitored the historic conference through Twitter, you’ll understand why this event proved a catalyst for several industry trends like few Hispanic marketing conferences before it. Here’s a sampling of what I observed:

- Public relations is indeed poised, positioned and ready to lead the Hispanic social media marketing revolution.

- The growing influence of the Hispanic Public Relations Association is real.

- PRSA (Public Relations Society of America) HPRA (Hispanic Public Relations Association) alliance serves the best interests of both.

- Hispanic bloggers are muy caliente right now.

- Fittingly, social media was ablaze with conference chatter.

- Yes, there will definitely be a second Hispanic PR & Social Media Conference!

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